Our Team
Dr. Maureen Valley
Maureen is an orthodontist from San Rafael, California. A graduate of Harvard University, Maureen holds degrees in dentistry and public health. From an early age, she had a passion for travel to remote areas of the world, and for helping those less fortunate. Over the years, she has served on several dental and cleft lip and palate humanitarian trips to Poland, China, Nepal, Venezuela, Vietnam and Mexico. In 2012 she and her family went to Kenya and discovered the beauty of the people, their cultures, and the landscape; yet, at the same time, she was touched by the extreme poverty that surrounded this beauty. She felt strongly compelled to take direct action and help the people whom she met. Within a few weeks she had purchased a cow for a needy Maasai family...and that's how 1World 1Tribe began.

Samson Saigilu
Samson, a founding member of the team, was born on Jamhuri Day, a national holiday commenorating the day Kenya became a Republic in December1964. Samson has a deep love for his country and his culture. He is a Maasai warrior from the village of Paranae/Impiron in the District of Kajiado on the outskirts of Mount Kilimanjaro. He was raised by traditional Maasai parents with no schooling and he was able to successfully traverse from this and now holds a bachelor’s degree in public health from Mt. Kenya University. Samson also holds a diplomas in environmental health science, Community Health and HIV/AIDS Management, and a certificate in HIV Testing and Counseling. For several years, Samson has worked with the Ministry of Health; he is the Community Health Extension Officer at the Olgulului Health Centre. Samson has committed his life to helping the poorest people in Kenya overcome the insurmountable challenges they face. Samson is a humanitarian, in the truest sense of the word and our work in Kenya would not have been possible without him.

Charles Chu
Charles is an optimist and sees the best in people. You’ll never see him without a big smile and he’ll surely lighten up anyone’s day. Charles was born in Myanmar (Burma) and immigrated to the US as a teenager. While in the US, he discovered a love and passion for cooking. He mastered the art of being a chef in the Burmese cuisine and has won several national awards. He loves to share his dishes with others to enjoy. Charles finds it rewarding and sets an example for others on how a small act of kindness can make a difference in someone’s day.

Salina Chu
Salina brings a caring and positive energy to 1World 1Tribe. She was born in Myanmar (Burma) and immigrated to the US as a teenager. From a young age she developed a passion for helping others and wanted to do what she could to bring a smile to others. Her dedicated and compassionate nature is contagious to say the least.

Cassandra Chu
Cassandra is currently a nursing student at Samuel Merritt University. Health and wellness has always been something that is important to her and she strives to encourage others to live a healthier lifestyle. As a future nurse, she is not only warm-hearted and caring, but also driven to accomplish everything she sets her mind to.

Cassarah Chu
Cassarah is currently a J.D. candidate at the New York University School of Law. She graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies and a minor in Political Science. She is passionate about youth development and mentorship, positive body image and promoting public health.

Jeff Comeau
Jeff is 1World 1Tribe's unofficial grammatician and curio shop negotiator. He is a lawyer by day, but considers himself a Jeff of all trades. Jeff traveled with 1World 1Tribe in the summer of 2015 to provide the children of Kenya with patent portfolio management and high stakes litigation advice, but ended up playing with the kids instead. Jeff is honored to be part of the 1World 1Tribe family and is inspired by the commitment and generosity demonstrated by his fellow members. Jeff aspires to join future 1World 1Tribe adventures and assist in serving the world community.

Dr. Richard Schmotter
Originally from Minnesota, wanderlust took Dick to many parts of the world where he taught and practiced dentistry... Australia, Papua New Guinea, Aspen Colorado, and eventually Marin County, Californa. Dick has a life long passion for humanitarian work. Over the years, he led mutiple dental field clinics in a very remote area in the Sierra Madres with the Huichole Indians, and is also our lead dentist in Africa and Burma. "I feel very fortunate to be able to do this work and that I have a gift to give. Many people would love to be able to do something like this, but for a multitude of reasons are not able to. It’s a great feeling to be able to do really necessary dental work on people who have absolutely no way of getting treatment, and it’s always a little hard to come back where we have so much, and where so much of what we do is just cosmetic."
Joey Deschenes
At the age of 19 Joey traveled throughout Europe. After this life-changing trip, Joey knew he would never be happy with going straight from college into the monotonous reality of a 9-5 job. After studying in Florence Italy then graduating from San Francisco State University, he decided to leave the US again, this time in hopes of using his education to improve the lives of others. He was stationed in Albania with the Peace Corps during 2006-2008. While there he taught English, life skills, and helped create the first Model United Nations ever to be held in Albania. During his travels to countries like Bosnia and Turkey, Joey witnessed the persecution of the Romani people which inspired him at the end of his service to become the co-founder and co-director of Camp No Name with his soon-to-be wife Alba. While teaching in New York City, Joey earned his masters in English Education from Columbia University Teachers College. Currently he teaches Literature at an all girl school in San Francisco. He lives in Berkeley with his wife and pets.
Alba Mana Deschenes
Alba is a registered dental assistant and currently resides in Berkeley, CA. Born in Communist Albania in 1989, this talented young lady has been a true blessing for 1World 1Tribe. After a brief study in Political Science, Alba moved to New York City where she found her path to her US citizenship. Alba and her husband Joey moved to California where she decided to follow her passion for dentistry. She attended the College of Marin and graduated from the Dental Assisting Program in 2013 with honors and an associates degree in Science. When Alba is not working tirelessly to brighten people’s smiles or creating art or urban farming, she is the director and co-founder of Camp No Name (www.campnoname.com): an American style summer camp in Albania that aims to develop and bridge the gap between the Roma and Albanian communities. Each year Alba fundraises, organizes events, and keeps in contact with the camp’s donors in hopes of improving it. Through her involvement with 1World 1Tribe Alba found a passion for Kenyan culture along with a deep compassion for the children of the Teule Children’s Home.

Nancy Nairesiae Oloitiptip
A passionate and committed member of the 1World 1Tribe family, Nancy was born in the Maasai village of Olgulului in Kajiado County, Kenya. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Gender, Poverty and Development at Egerton University, Njoro campus. Nancy has worked for several international organizations, such as AMREF-Kenya and the Kenyan Red Cross Society, to ease the suffering amoung local community members. With diverse knowledge and skills in gender and women/girls empowerment, Nancy is committed to making a difference in the lives of women in marginalized communities. She has conducted sensitization forums for elders, women/mothers, and morans. In her community, she has led successful campaigns on anti-FGM with a holistic approach to change, using a gradual process of time, patience and committment to address this very sensitive cultural issue.